Jorge was born on 25th of April of 1963 in Estoril, Portugal and has been living in Paris since 1971.
He graduated from Le joueur regardé in 1989 under the direction of Daniel Postal. Jorge later trained with Jean-Paul Denizon, Guy Freixe and Gennadi Bogdanov.
After many years working as a professional actor, he decided to dedicate himself to voice, under the guidence of the esteemed Zygmunt Molik (co-founder of Jerzy Grotowski’s Teatr Laboratorium). Jorge later complemented his research with Iseult Welsch (2000/2001), a master of Marie-Louise Aucher's Psychophony.
Nowadays, along side his acting and directing career, Jorge is dedicated to teaching Molik’s method to theatre, music and movement professionals in Brazil, Croatia, England, France, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal and Thaïland.
Since 2005 he has lectured on the art of public speaking at the University Sciences-Po in Paris and is contributor in the project FORCCAST.
Since 1990, Jorge has been involving in many theatre productions in France and in Portugal. He has collaborated with a number of directors, including Eric Auvray, Christian Benedetti, Mathilde Coste, Cyril Delhay, Christian Frégnet, Syvain Marmorat, Sylvie Ollivier Carlos Pereira, Tiago Porteiro, Denis Robert, Patrick Thoraval and Marc Zammit.
He directed plays by Jean-Pierre Arbon, Jean Genet, Xavier Grall, Jean Claude Grumberg, Bernard-Marie Koltès and Harold Pinter.
2011 Ensaio sobre a Cegueira, José Saramago. Directed by Benoît Bourdon.
2010 Elogio da eloquência, Baudelaire, Badinter, Devos... Directed by Mathilde Coste. (Concerts CANTABILE)
2009 O Mar (recital), Pessoa,Camus, Lotti. Directed by Mathilde Coste.
2008 Rumeurs urbaines, Directed by Rachid Akbal.
2007 Constelações, Directed by Tiago Porteiro.
Les vies rêvées du facteur Timio, Cyril lhay. Directed by Cyril Delhay.
2006 La renaissance de Timio, Boccace Ronsard. Directed by Cyril Delhay.
2005 Le baladin du bout du monde…, J.M. Synge. Directed by Cyril Delhay.
La bataille de Waterloo, L. Calaferte. Directed by Sylvain Marmorat.
2004 L’Amérique, suite, B. Srbljanovic. Directed by Christian Benedetti.
Ode Maritime, F. Pessoa. Directed by Patrick Thoraval.
2002 A la croisée des routes, J.M. Synge. Directed by Cyril lhay.
Projet Krzyzanowski, S. Krzyzanowski. Directed by Sabine Tourtellier.
2001 Lobo, A. Neves. Directed by Carlos Pereira.
2000 Dort doucement, J.Tuna. Directed by Tiago Porteiro.
L’ile des esclaves e La colonie, Marivaux. Directed by Christian Frégnet.
1999 Les rois mages, M.Tournier. Directed by Christian Frégnet.
Ode Marítima, F. Pessoa. Directed by Tiago Porteiro.
1998 Mardi, E. Bond. Directed by Christian Benedetti.
Meninos com estrelas, portuguese folk story. Directed by Tiago Porteiro.
1997 Astoria, J. Soyfer. Directed by Eric Auvray.
1996 Tous les anges sont gris, texts of S. Beckett. Directed by Tarak Hammam.
Comment peut-ont être persan?, Montesquieu. Directed by Sylvie Ollivier.
1995 Les livres de Daubmanus, C. Ardant. Directed by Emmanuelle Weisz.
1994 Le triomphe de l’amour, Marivaux. Directed by Marc Zammit. L’héritier ridicule, P. Scarron. Directed by Christian Frégnet.
1993 Le carnaval des ombres, I. Naour. Directed by Denis Robert.
1992 Les chasseurs de rêves, M. Pavic. Directed by Emmanuelle Weisz.
1991 Slaveck d’ Angers D. Patard. Directed by Didier Patard.
1990 Barouf a Chioggia, C. Goldoni. Directed by Ricardo Lopez-Munoz.
2000 En route vers la révolution en 2CV, Maurizio Sciarra.
1996 L’homme qui marche, Roland Moreau.
1995 Le parasite, Patrick Dewolf.
La toile, Siegfried.
1994 La mal-aimée, Bertrand Arthuis.
1992 La gamine, Hervé Palud.